Derivatives and computation graph

Derivatives are a fundamental concept in machine learning, they are the building block of optimization and having an understanding of what a derivative is vastly helps in understanding how optimization and gradient descent work.


Suppose we have a function $f(a) = 3a$, then $f(2) = 6$. If we take a small increment of $a$ ($a’$) we will have $f(2.001) = 6.003$. Connecting $a$ and $a’$ forms a triangle, with an height ($a’-a$) and a width ($f(a’) - f(a)$) (Figure 5).

The slope $\frac{\text{height} }{\text{width}}=3$ so we say that the derivative of $f(a)$ at the point $a=2$ is $3$. Height and width are the the vertical and horizontal distances and the slope is also expressed as $\frac{df(a)}{da}$ or as $\frac{d}{da}f(a)$. The reason why $a’$ doesn’t appear in this representation is because, formally, the derivative is calculated at a very small increment of $a$ such as $a’ \approx a$.

For a straight line (Figure 5, panel A) the derivative is constant along the whole line.

Figure 5. The concept of derivative applied to a straight line (A), where the derivative is constant along the whole length of the function; and to a non-linear function (B), where the derivative changes based on the value of $a$.

Computational graph

The computational graph explains the forward- and backward- propagation (as to say the flow of the computation) that takes place in the training of a neural network.

To illustrate the computation graph let’s use a simpler example than a full blown neural network, let’s say that we are writing a function $J(a, b, c) = 3(a+bc)$. In order to compute this function there are three steps:

  1. $u = bc$
  2. $v = a + u$
  3. $J=3v$

We can draw these steps in a computational graph (figure below)

<mpl_flow.Edge at 0x7fea6f1cf550>
Figure 6. Computational graph showing the flow of a very simple process

Suppose we want to calculate $\frac{dJ}{dv}$ ( in other words if we change the value $v$ of a little amount how would the value of $J$ change?).



In the terminology of backpropagation if we want to compute $\frac{dJ}{dv}$ we take one step back from $J$ to $v$

<mpl_flow.Edge at 0x7fea6f1449a0>


We now want to calculate $\frac{dJ}{da}$, in other words the change of value $J$ when $a$ changes

So, once again


Where the net change is given by


In calculus this is called the chain rule where $a$ affects $v$ that affects $J$ ($a\to v \to J$). So that the change of $J$ when $a$ is given by the product $\frac{dJ}{dv}\frac{dv}{da}$. This illustrates how having computed $\frac{dJ}{dv}$ helps in calculating $\frac{dJ}{da}$

<mpl_flow.Edge at 0x7fea6f0d20a0>


Python vectorization

In the pre-deep-learning era vectorization was optional, in the deep-learning era vectorization absolutely necessary since both the size of networks and of data is vastly increased.

Vector-vector product

In particular, in deep learning (and in machine learning in general) we need to calculate

\[z = w^Tx+b\]


\[w = \begin{bmatrix} \vdots \\ \vdots \end{bmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^{n_x} \qquad x = \begin{bmatrix} \vdots \\ \vdots \end{bmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^{n_x}\]

The vectorized form of this operation in python is, x) + b

where, x) $\equiv w^Tx$

Matrix-vector product

Incidentally, the matrix-vector product $Av$, where

\[A = \begin{bmatrix} \ddots & \\ & \\ & \ddots \\ \end{bmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n} \qquad v=\begin{bmatrix} \vdots \\ \vdots \end{bmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^n\], v)

Notice that the exact same syntax performs both vecto-vector and matrix-vector multiplication, this is due to the overload implemented in the function. To know more about it, check out its documentation

Vectorized element-wise operations

To apply a function element by element to whole arrays you can simply usenp.ufuncs (numpy universal functions)

array([0.17, 0.64, 0.46, 0.08, 0.26, 0.62, 0.56, 0.75, 0.03, 0.48])
array([1.19, 1.9 , 1.58, 1.08, 1.3 , 1.86, 1.75, 2.12, 1.03, 1.62])
array([-1.77, -0.45, -0.78, -2.53, -1.35, -0.48, -0.58, -0.29, -3.51,
v + 1
array([1.17, 1.64, 1.46, 1.08, 1.26, 1.62, 1.56, 1.75, 1.03, 1.48])
v * 2
array([0.34, 1.28, 0.92, 0.16, 0.52, 1.24, 1.12, 1.5 , 0.06, 0.96])


To a complete guide to broadcasting check out numpy great documentation

Apples Beef Eggs Potatoes
Carb 56.0 0 4.4 6.8
Protein 1.2 104 52.0 8.0
Fat 1.8 135 99.0 0.9
A = A.values
array([[ 56. ,   0. ,   4.4,   6.8],
       [  1.2, 104. ,  52. ,   8. ],
       [  1.8, 135. ,  99. ,   0.9]])
cal = A.sum(axis=0)
array([ 59. , 239. , 155.4,  15.7])
(A / cal.reshape(1, 4) * 100)
array([[94.91525424,  0.        ,  2.83140283, 43.31210191],
       [ 2.03389831, 43.51464435, 33.46203346, 50.95541401],
       [ 3.05084746, 56.48535565, 63.70656371,  5.73248408]])
A / cal * 100
array([[94.91525424,  0.        ,  2.83140283, 43.31210191],
       [ 2.03389831, 43.51464435, 33.46203346, 50.95541401],
       [ 3.05084746, 56.48535565, 63.70656371,  5.73248408]])

In general if you have a $m, n$ matrix (A)

numpy Vectors

numpy offers great flexibility at the cost of rigorousness, sometimes wrong-looking expression give unexpectedly correct results and vice versa. Heres a series of considerations and suggestions for dealing with numpy.

For example let’s take a random vector of 5 elements

a = np.random.rand(5)
array([0.69772688, 0.83113936, 0.58433493, 0.2092702 , 0.70983487])

Whose shape is


This is called a rank 1 vector in python and it’s neither a row vector nor a column vector and its behavior is sometimes unexpected.

For example, its transpose is equal to itself

array([0.69772688, 0.83113936, 0.58433493, 0.2092702 , 0.70983487])

and the inner product of a and a.T is not a matrix instead is a scalar, a.T)

So, instead of using rank 1 vectors you may want to use rank 2 vectors, which have a much more predictable behavior.

a = np.random.rand(5, 1)
array([[0.59830775, 0.41295833, 0.94338306, 0.16903855, 0.66591253]]), a.T)
array([[0.35797216, 0.24707617, 0.56443339, 0.10113708, 0.39842062],
       [0.24707617, 0.17053458, 0.38957789, 0.06980588, 0.27499412],
       [0.56443339, 0.38957789, 0.88997159, 0.15946811, 0.62821059],
       [0.10113708, 0.06980588, 0.15946811, 0.02857403, 0.11256489],
       [0.39842062, 0.27499412, 0.62821059, 0.11256489, 0.44343949]])

rank 1 arrays can always be reshaped in row or columns vectors (or higher dimensional matrices)

a = np.random.rand(5)
array([0.02657882, 0.91282618, 0.91845211, 0.64890572, 0.40281761])
a.reshape(5, 1)
a.reshape(1, 5)
array([[0.02657882, 0.91282618, 0.91845211, 0.64890572, 0.40281761]])
