Multiclass Classification

Sometimes we don’t want $y$ to be limited to the ${0,1}$ values but instead we could have 3 or more possible classes $y={1,2,3}$ (Notice how we dropped the $0$ class that is linked to absence)


In binary classification we could draw a decision boundary that would separate the $y=1$ space from the $y=0$ space. How could we use correctly classify three classes now?

One Vs All classification

Let’s say that we have three classes Triangles ($T$), Squares ($S$) and Crosses ($C$) as in the Figure above.

The principle of one vs all classification is turning a multiclass classfication problem in three separate binary classifications problems, fitting 3 classifiers.


We want to train a logistic regression classifiers $h_\theta^{(i)}(x)=P(y=1 \mid x;\theta)$ for each class $i$, (in this case $i=1,2,3$) to predict the probability that $y=1$.

Finally on a new input $x$, to make a prediction, we will run all the classifiers and map $x$ to the class $i$ that maximizes

